Today was the Lanna Music School Chiang Mai solo piano recital.
I have never really played piano for a serious classical recital, so my heart was racing. Everyone did very well. The young Thai musicians - Nong Fa, Nong June, and Nong Fang were really amazing. They played very difficult Chopin, Debussy, Gershinn, and Bach songs with great expression and technicality! I played Chopin's Nocturne in E flat minor and Etude 10-12 "Revolutionary."
I replaced the inner-tube and back tire on my Yamaha motorbike and filled the tank with 91 gas, and now it rides smooth as I cruise on Moon Muang and around Chiang Mai.
Tomorrow I will perform at Kruu Book's house - some Chopin pieces for the intermission of his vocal performance.
I am also studying written Thai language more seriously. It is exciting to start to decipher words and understand the way the Thai system works. It is totally different than English! The written language delineates not only the phonetics, but also 5 tones and the duration of each sound (like accidentals). It's complicated but a beautiful, musical language.
I just finished teaching Level 10 at AUA Chiang Mai. It was the most advanced class I have ever taught. My first class was extremely sharp (especially Lien from Hanoi, Vietnam, Ting Ting, Nim, Tangmoe, Kik, and Jin). (Photo: Crystal {Philippines} and Lien {Vietnam}, Level 10)
During breaks Park and Au taught me the rules of mak hot (Thai chess), which I first played with saamanen in Singburi. We crumpled up some dried leaves and and picked up some small stones to create the playing pieces. On the last day of class I challenged Au. I came up with a strategy and had my first decisive victory!
Currently reading:
"If I Die in a Combat Zone" - Tim O'Brien
Currently listening to:
Bill Evans Trio - "Alice in Wonderland"
John Coltrane - "Crescent"
MAJORITY RULE - Page 99 split EP / Interviews with David Frost / Emergency Numbers
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